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Who is the Jefferson Live Music Foundation of Jefferson, Wisconsin? They are the organization working to keep track of all the music events happening around town. They are in charge of all of the summer concerts you’ll be attending, the concerts at Rotary Park and the American Legion Band.

From the Jazz in the Park event in May to the concerts that has gone on throughout the month of June including Bike Night, Country Kickoff and Small Business Appreciate Night, there have been a ton of great concerts going on thanks to the work of the Jefferson Live Music Foundation. When you’re wondering who puts on the awesome concerts you’re checking out live around town, it’s probably the work of these guys. Here is a look at more concerts to expect coming soon.

July – August

The 2015 summer concert series takes place at Rotary Park. It starts as early as May 28th and lasts until August 27th with concerts weekly on Thursday nights at 7pm. Shows are moved to the Jefferson Area Business Center during bad weather. Food and beverage are available for purchase.

Check them out at 301 South Gardner Avenue this July and August where you’ll enjoy concerts this July like the Warren Wiegratz in “VIVO” for Jazz Night on July 30th. Check out Whiskey Belles at Country Girl’s Night Out on July 16th or “Die Friestadt Alte Kameraden Band” on Gemuetlichkeit Night July 30th. August brings Classic Rock night on August 20th, Country night on August 27th, Irish Night on August 13th and Swing night on August 6th.

American Legion Band

For over 80 years now the folks in Jefferson have been enjoying the summer concerts held by the American Legion Band. Since they have performed in High School parking lots with listeners enjoying from their cars, they are used to getting honking cars instead of applause. Check them out on Fridays and check out the free family movie night three nights this summer.

When you’re enjoying free live concerts around Jefferson, you may be watching the work of Jefferson Live Music Foundation. Check them out all summer.

Posted by Jolenta Averill on
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