Wow – it’s June already! The kids will be out of school soon and summer will be heating up. There are lots of ways to get out and enjoy Madison, so circle some dates.

June 1 – June 3

WIAA Boys Individual Tennis State Tournament

Come cheer on your favorite athlete in the High School State Championships! It happens at Nielsen Tennis Stadium, Near West Side (1000 Highland Ave.). Get details by calling 715-344-8580.


June 1 – June 15

Friends of Olin-Turville: Spring Concert Series

A family-friendly event, the spring concerts at Olin Turville Park (1156 Olin-Turville Ct.) start at 6 p.m. and typically wrap up at around 8 p.m. You’re welcome to bring a picnic as you enjoy some amazing music. And, admission is free.

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On Saturday, we celebrated Armed Forces Day across the country. Here in Wisconsin, home to nearly 900,000 U.S. veterans, the day was noted with a Harley-Davidson Support the Troops Ride, military displays, a 21-gun salute and Echo Taps and more. A couple hours north of Madison, Fort McCoy held an open house celebration.

California’s attorney general Kamala Harris sums it up when she said “We owe our vets the support and benefits they earned while wearing a uniform.” We all know about the shoddy medical support these men and women have been subjected to. What may come as a surprise to you, however, is how few of our nation’s heroes understand the home loan benefit to which they are entitled.

Of our 21,369,602 military veterans, only 2.4 percent…

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A couple of weeks ago we discussed ways to remain in Madison after you retire and, as promised, this week we’re going to help you find a neighborhood in Madison.   

While experts are quick to designate cities as ideal retirement havens, narrowing down your choice of neighborhood will be a bit more challenging. Thankfully, we have you covered here, and we’ve categorized them according to what our older clients say they’re looking for.

I don’t want to live around old folks

“I’m retired, not dead,” is a common refrain we hear and we get it. The last thing most 60-somethings want is to be put out to pasture, doing arts and crafts in a community room at a senior center. So, ok, check out Sunset Village. Yes, there is a senior center in the area…

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Did you know that Anna Jarvis, the woman who lobbied so hard for Mother’s Day to become a holiday, eventually tried to have it rescinded? In fact, from the day that retail hijacked the holiday (which happened almost immediately upon its inception) until the day she died she protested it, even getting arrested a couple of times.

Sadly, like most of our holidays, retail still dictates what gifts we receive on Mother’s Day. That candy-flowers-card routine isn’t exactly what we want, but retailers have everyone thinking it is.

Well, they’re wrong. In fact, a RetailMeNot survey of a few years ago proves that what Moms want, they rarely get. So, skip the retail-inspired lists of the must-give gift this Mother’s Day and read on for some ideas about…

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There is so much going on this month in Madison, what with Mother's Day, Memorial Day and the Kentucky Derby. Circle some dates and enjoy May in Madison!

Through May 7, 2017

Madison Craft Beer Week

Each year at this time we celebrate Mad City’s craft beer culture. The celebration brings beer lovers from all over the state to attend beer dinners, brewery parties, beer walks and more. Get details on all the events online at


May 4

Fitchburg Farmers Market

You know that spring is well underway when the Fitchburg Farmers Market opens for the season. Starting today and every Thursday through October 26, you can shop for your favorite locally-grown goodies at the Agora Pavilion (5511 E. Cheryl Parkway in Fitchburg). The…

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