homes for sale on the far West Side of Madison

Boats on Lake Mendota at Sunset

Located on the shores of Lake Mendota, the village of Shorewood Hills is a quiet enclave with some of the most desirable real estate in Madison, Wisconsin. If you’re looking for a charming community with stunning architecture, easy access to urban amenities, and plenty of activities on offer, Shorewood Hills is your spot. These are just a few reasons why so many people are proud to call this lakefront village home.

Rich in History

The area where Shorewood Hills now sits was once prime hunting and fishing grounds for Native American groups. Some of these groups built fascinating effigy mounds that can still be seen today at the Blackhawk Country Club. By the 1800s, European settlers moved in and the village was officially established in 1927. As…

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A couple of weeks ago we discussed ways to remain in Madison after you retire and, as promised, this week we’re going to help you find a neighborhood in Madison.   

While experts are quick to designate cities as ideal retirement havens, narrowing down your choice of neighborhood will be a bit more challenging. Thankfully, we have you covered here, and we’ve categorized them according to what our older clients say they’re looking for.

I don’t want to live around old folks

“I’m retired, not dead,” is a common refrain we hear and we get it. The last thing most 60-somethings want is to be put out to pasture, doing arts and crafts in a community room at a senior center. So, ok, check out Sunset Village. Yes, there is a senior center in the area…

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