Kid on a snowmobile in the winter in Madison, Wisconsin

Do you realize that in just more than one week, the kids will be out of school for winter break? Yikes! What will you do with them this year? Time for a pre-holiday day trip to let off some steam? Or maybe just stick close to home. Read on for some ideas.

Get out of town

How about a day (or a stay) at Boulder Junction? The Winter Celebration is happening on December 30, with even more fun things for the family to enjoy. These include a guided cross-country ski adventure (equipment will be available), sledding, ice skating, wagon rides, music, fireworks and, best of all, complimentary hot cocoa and chili.

If you want to stay for a night or two, check out these lodging ideas. Boulder Junction is about 3.5 hours north of Madison.


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Young, growing families eventually get to the point where they outgrow their current digs. At this point they know they need to move up to a larger home but hesitate because of current market conditions.

Sure, it’ll be a snap to sell the current home; starter homes are in great demand right now. But, then what? Competition is keen in most price ranges in Madison, causing many would-be move-up buyers to hesitate.

The question of the season is: “Should we sell now while the market is hot and then rent until it cools off?”

The answer is: “Are you nuts? Have you any idea how much rents are increasing?”

Although rent prices are down on a year-to-year basis, they’re up on a month-to-month basis. In fact, the rent on a one-bedroom apartment…

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