Happy Valentine's Day! Not to be a Debbie Downer on this fun and fanciful occasion but recently a home inspector told me that work-related stress is now so bad that you have a better chance of living a long life with heart problems or diabetes than you have with job-related stress. Is this really true?? According to an article last fall in the Montreal Gazette, stress is literally depressing all types of workers. Here's an excerpt from the article:
“In the next 10 years, depression will rank second only to heart disease as the leading cause of disability globally. In Canada, the majority of absenteeism in the workplace is stress-related. Twenty percent of Canadian workers experience stress-related illness each year. High stress levels in the workplace can double an employee's or manager's risk of heart attack. Stress may also contribute to infectious diseases, heart disease, back pain, repetitive strain injuries and colorectal cancer.”

Wow. That sure is something to think about. If you're self-employed or have a stressful way to make a living, see what you can do to remove some of that stress. Your life might just depend on it! Posted by Jolenta Averill on
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Good article, important info. Thanks

Posted by deborah on Saturday, February 19th, 2011 at 6:46pm

That is an impactful post. And honestly not that surprising. I am a relatively new agent and I feel like all my listed properties are my own. I find myself creating undue stress worrying about the homes and when they are going to sell. I just know I have an ulcer in my future if I do not curtail some of this anxiety. I think a little ownership can be a good thing along with some empathy, but it can't be healthy attaching myself to every client the way that I do. Maybe your next post can be some suggestions to avoid the stress! :)

Posted by Nicole Arsenault on Sunday, February 20th, 2011 at 10:40am

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