DC foreclosures







A new search snippet for Madison WI distressed properties was just added to the Lake & City Homes Realty website. This shortcut search is in accessible from the homepage and displays updated listings and prices for all Madison WI  short sales, foreclosures, and REOs (also known as bank-owned real estate). Even though Madison WI has a very low foreclosure rate compared to many U.S. cities, it still has its fair share of repossessed properties. So check out some of the amazing deals on offer in the Madison WI housing market. In some cases prices are the lowest we've seen in a decade! In addition, rates have fallen below 5% and there is the added incentive of the $8K tax credit for first-time homebuyers who purchase by 12/1//09. While it took banks seemingly forever to get the hang of short sales, approval times are beginning to speed up considerably. Who knows if the situation will last, however, once the housing stabilization intiative is passed and homeowners have more options for making their homes more affordable. We could short sale opportunities dry up in some areas, especially if there weren't that many to begin with.

If you or someone you know is thinking about purchasing your first home this year, please call Lake & City Homes at (563) BUY-SOLD (563-289-7653) or contact us to discuss your options. You definitely don't want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy low at amazing rates and with a substantial tax credit to boot!

Posted by Jolenta Averill on
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