Homes for Sale in Schenk Elementary School District
Below are homes for sale near Schenk Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin. Visit the Schenk Elementary School website for more information about this school in Madison. If we can assist you in finding a home in your preferred school district, please contact us using the form below or give us a call at (563) BUY-SOLD.
About Schenk Elementary
Schenk Elementary, nestled on 12 acres of open space on the eastside, serves 422 students in grades Pre-K throuh 5. The school employs 38 full-time teachers, giving it a student-teacher ratio of 11:1.
Working parents appreciate Schenk's after-school childcare program and those that want to be involved with their child's education are welcome to join the parent-teacher organization. The school newsletter, published on the website, keeps parents up to date on events and other items of interest.
Schenk Elementary School is located at 230 Schenk St. in Madison. Read Schenk's current school profile or contact the staff at 608-204-1500 for more information about the school.
View all Homes & Condos for Sale In Schenk Elementary School District:
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- $300,000 - $400,000
- $400,000 - $500,000
- $500,000 - $600,000