Homes for Sale in César Chávez Elementary School District

Chavez Elementary SchoolBelow are homes for sale in Chavez Elementary School attendance area in Madison, Wisconsin. Visit the Chavez Elementary School website for more information about this school in Madison. To explore homes for sale in other Madison elementary school districts scroll down or contact us for assistance.

About Chávez Elementary 

Chavez Elementary School serves slightly more than 700 students in grades Pre-K through 5 and the school employs 47 full-time teachers which gives it a student-teacher ratio of about 15:1. Chávez Elementary also employs a nurse, and both a school psychologist and social worker. The school's mission statement shares the staff and faculty's belief in a "collaborative effort among staff, students, families and our community to guide students to become knowledgeable and contributing citizens, able to make their way in this global society."

You'll find César Chávez Elementary School at 3502 Maple Grove Dr. in Madison and the school's profile here. The school's phone number is 608-442-2000.

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