Seller's Estimated Closing Costs

Use this handy worksheet to estimate the closing costs on the sale of your home.*
Sales Price..................................................  $_____________________
Title Insurance Policy♣..................................  $_____________________
Deed..........................................................  $200
Mortgage Balance.........................................  $_____________________
Real Estate Taxes Prorated.............................  $_____________________
Recording Fees ($30/ea)..............................  $_____________________
Sales Commissions.......................................  $_____________________
Special Assessments Search...........................  $75
State Transfer Fee♦ .......................................  $_____________________
Gap Endorsement...........................  $125
Total Selling Expenses ....................................  $_____________________

Estimated Net to Seller.....................


*Please note this worksheet does not include the final water reading, prorated taxes, & special assessment payoffs, if any.

♣cost of the title insurance (through First American Title) available upon request.
♦A.K.A. "State Tax" or "Stamps for the deed". $3 per $1K of sales price (e.g. on a $410K sale it would be $3 x $410 = $1,230).

Need help? Contact a Lake & City Homes Realty representative for assistance.

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