Homebuyers Guide to Online Search Tools
Click on the blue links below to explore the myriad of ways you can search for homes for sale in the Madison WI MLS!
Search Homes Now: Use this tool to search all real estate currently for sale in the South Central Wisconsin MLS (SCWMLS) including Single-Family Homes, Condominiums, Multi Family Homes, Business/Comm, as well as Lots & Acreage.
Register for Our Home Finder Service: Register for this free service and we'll find your dream home for you! Receive property alerts when new homes go on the market that fit your search criteria and lifestyle, receive property recommendations from us that we think will be of interest to you, keep track of your favorites, and view “dismissed” or “recently viewed” properties (helpful if you and a family member are sharing an account).
First-Time Homebuyer? Read up on important points you’ll want to be aware of if you're new to the home-buying process, buying a home for the first-time, or haven’t been in the market for a long time. Refresh your memory with up-to-date information on what to expect when buying for the first time.
Community Information: Visit this page to learn about our area’s communities and lifestyles before you invest. You’ll be surprised how many communities there are to choose from. In addition, most outlying towns, village, and municipalities are more affordable than Madison and area only a 15-20 minute commute from downtown Madison!
Buy Your Home with a REALTOR®: Read our buyer guarantee and find out why working with a REALTOR® takes the guesswork out of buying a home.
Use our Mortgage Calculator to figure out what your mortgage payments will be on the home you want.
Connect to a Professional: Contact us anytime you need to know more about the area or any property that interests you. When you're ready to take the next step toward purchasing a home, we're here to help.
Out-of-Country Purchases: We can help you buy property here, even if you're in another country.
For a complete list of all the buyer tools currently available for searching homes on our site, Click Here.
Contact us to get in touch with a qualified agent who can help you get started on your home search!
List of Buyer Tools
Just Listed (24 Hours): one-click access to all the homes that have gone on the market in the past 24 hours. Updated every 15 minutes.
Just Listed (This Week): one-click access to all the homes that have gone on the market in the past week. Updated every 15 minutes.
Search Our MLS: Access all homes for sale in the South Central WI MLS (Multiple Listing Service).
Search By City: Looking in more than one city? Create a saved search for the specific cities that interest you.
Search By Subdivision: Looking in one or more specific subdivisions? Let us know you’re setting up your search with this tool so we can ensure you don’t miss out on any homes. Subdivision names can be omitted or misspelled when our competitors enter their listings via free text on our MLS.
Search By Address: Looking for property details on a house you just drove past? No need for the house number. Just type in the street name & voila! Our site is responsive too! So the display of information will adjust to whatever platform or phone you happen to be on.
Search by School: Here we've compiled Madison schools information, as well as a number of school-specific links for browsing homes by school. Alternatively, choose our Search by City tool on this page and simply type in the school name you're looking for. You can search homes by elementary, middle, or high school for any city.
Search By Zip Code: Search by zip code to get alerted whenever homes in a relatively large area become available. You can reference our zip code map here if you need to familiarize yourself with the zip codes in our area. You can also check out our clickable zip code map.
Search By MLS Number: Interested in a specific property? If you know the MLS number, you can access property information, maps and many other helpful tools.
Search By Keyword: Search homes by lifestyle keyword such as waterfront, condo, walkable, urban, rural, family-friendly, and more!
Search By Map: Use our radius, polygon, and Search in Bounds tools to search property listings visually by map.