Madison MLS statistics - Single-family homes

Chart showing 2010 sales of Madison WI single family homes (by month)

Welcome to our Madison MLS statistics page! Here you'll find MLS statistics and real estate sales figures for Madison WI single family homes. The sales data below is presented graphically over three year and five year periods so it's easy to see how sales volume, average sold prices, and average DOM (Days on Market) have changed monthly and annually.

If you're looking for real estate sales figures for Madison townhomes and condos, please visit our Madison condo statistics page. Please also visit our Dane County MLS statistics and Dane County condo statistics pages.



Madison Single Family Home Sales 2009-2011

single-family homes sold in Madison 2009-201 



Madison single-family home prices 2009-2011 


Madison single-family home sales - Days On Market 2009-2011 


Madison Single Family Home Sales 2005-2010

Madison single family homes sold 2005-2010

Madison single family homes | Average sold price 2005-2010
Madison single family homes | Average days on market 2005-2010 

More Madison market statistics

If you're looking for real estate sales figures for Madison townhomes and condos, visit our Madison condo statistics page. You can also visit our Dane County MLS statistics and Dane County condo statistics pages. Please let us know if you have questions about our data reporting or need a different type of report. All information is sourced from the South Central Wisconsin MLS (SCWMLS) and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Need MLS statistics for a different city, a specific neighborhood, or another category of real estate sale? Please call (563) BUY-SOLD or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page. Interested in knowing what your home is worth? Request a free market analysis today. There's no obligation.
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