Applying for Mortgage

The following items are generally required by most lenders in Wisconsin in order to complete a mortgage in a timely manner. Be sure to provide the following items to your lender if they apply to you:

  • W-2 Forms

  • Pay Stub - most recent - 1 month

  • Most recent statement (all pages) for banks, mutual funds and IRA's (internet statements are not accepted) Name and phone number of insurance agent

  • Federal tax returns for the previous 2 years (if self employed or receive commission income)

  • Complete copy of bankruptcy papers including discharge

  • Divorce decree and separation agreement

  • Lease agreements on rental properties

  • Proof of child support

  • Letter of explanation for gap in employment

  • Veteran - certificate of eligibility and DD214

  • If using proceeds from the sale of one property to purchase another property, please include an estimate of those net proceeds.

Fill out the form to be contacted by a lender or get in touch if you wish to speak to us about a lender referral in the Madison WI area. There is no obligation.

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